is it worth it to sell books online?
June 21st, 2014 at 11:33 pmOnce again, time has FLOWN by and I have ignored my poor blog. I just embarked on a massive clean out of my house in preparation for some much-needed renovations. I'm also deciding if I want to stay in the house or sell it. Yikes.
I've been giving old stuff to Goodwill after finally convincing myself that having a garage sale was not worth the time. It was a hard decision to make, but it does feel good to lighten the load.
I have a bunch of books that I no longer want and I'm wondering if it's worth trying to sell some of them online or if I should just give them to a local library book sale. Does anyone have experience or advice? I've looked at for listing books and DealOz for places that buy books. Any other suggestions?
Gorgeous first summer weekend in the northeast. Happy Solstice!