Home > so busy!

so busy!

September 11th, 2015 at 11:14 pm

My work is kicking into high gear and will remain busy until November and beyond. Boo hoo. Definite first-world problem.

Still plugging along with YNAB. Haven't had much time to interact with it recently, but it has kept me from engaging in unwanted spending so far, so that's a plus! And, I have remembered to enter my scant spending, so yay! My trial runs out in 8 days, so I need to commit and pay next week if I want to continue. I've taken a few of the live online classes to try to win the free version, but I haven't been chosen yet!

I'm going camping on Saturday with friend M and her 7-year-old daughter. Should be fun, although it might rain - ugh. We are doing an 18-mile charity bike ride on Sunday morning, mostly on dirt roads. I haven't ridden a bike in many years, so this should be interesting. It's supposed to rain that day, too. Double ugh. I'm tempted to break my no-spend spree with a trip to TJMaxx this evening. Apparently they have some sport rain gear in stock. I don't have anything waterproof to ride in, but I will most likely just tough it out as usual. I just don't feel like shopping and I'm still at work!

I just hit another 2500 sw@gbucks, but will wait to cash out for a $25 paypal card until 9/14, when a sw@gup rebate will be available, according to FrugalTexan's blog! Smile This will be my fourth $25 in a month. It's getting easier to rack up the bucks, which is great.

I few items I need to take care of:

Figure out how much I need to pull from savings to cover my property taxes, due October 1. I want to cash flow as much as possible, but won't have enough new money to pay the entire bill.

Return a contract to a local roofer who gave me an estimate FOUR years ago which I never followed up on. He returned in late July to have another look and updated the estimate and I still haven't followed up. My roof is LEAKING and needs many repairs. Why won't I follow through?? Major homeowner fail. Frown

Continue eating well and exercising regularly. I have lost weight, fit into more of my clothes and have much more energy! Another bonus is that I'm waking up early. I must learn to tolerate stress better and deal with it in healthier ways than overeating. But, goodness, I love to eat.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

I just realized again that today is 9/11. Such a sad moment in history. Frown

3 Responses to “so busy!”

  1. snafu Says:

    I wonder what I could say to compel you to give your roof that leaks high priority. The thing is that water has potential to be an evil agent and cause more damage than is easily seen. If it can smooth rough rock it can weaken the very basic beams of the house to the point of causing structural damage.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    There are two Swagups available on the 14th - One 50SB one if you participated in the recent team challenge, and one 50SB one if you participated in the recent Swagstakes promotion.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Is the roofing estimate so much you are afraid of tackling it? I know I often put off stuff I don't like or worry about.

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